Sustainability begins with our Factory

In adherence to our values which we share with all the Twyla, our factory is sustainable wherever and wherever possible.

And this 'green policy' begins with the property itself: only half the land the facility sits on actually houses the factory; the rest of the property is landscaped with drought-tolerant grasses and shrubbery.

The machinery within the facility exploits the latest Japanese technology, ensuring minimum usage of energy resources. In addition, we use electric forklifts, electric heating, and skylights have been installed to benefit from Qatar's ample natural sunlight during the daytime. We also have a 'green office' policy whereby we use as little paper as possible (and only post-consumer stationary paper where applicable), energy-saving light bulbs, and efficient office equipment.

Green is in our DNA; recycling in itself is a green industry. Our green credentials are further reinforced with our ISO certification for environmental management.